Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is an orphan growing up in 18th century Paris. From the moment he is born, a scene which delivers a rapid series of focused visuals of objects (rotting meat, manure, dead fish, maggots squirming in carrion and disposed meat scraps, etc) in a squalid, public open-air meat market that all allude to a scent that would be, to any average human nose, extremely unsavory and repellant, and to the newly-born infant Jean-Baptiste, possessed as he is of extraordinary olfactory capability, surely shocking and most likely a lasting impression on the olfactorily-gifted babe.
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is an orphan growing up in 18th century Paris. From the moment he is born, a scene which delivers a rapid series of focused visuals of objects (rotting meat, manure, dead fish, maggots squirming in carrion and disposed meat scraps, etc) in a squalid, public open-air meat market that all allude to a scent that would be, to any average human nose, extremely unsavory and repellant, and to the newly-born infant Jean-Baptiste, possessed as he is of extraordinary olfactory capability, surely shocking and most likely a lasting impression on the olfactorily-gifted babe.
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