Friday, January 18, 2008 |  
Ellie, frantic, tries to force open the door, and suffers an asthma attack. Reaching for her inhaler, she finds it empty, and dies while dialing her mother's cell phone, making Marie the first real victim of the curse, dying in the fire. Laurel enters the room and Andrews says that it was Ellie who hurt her all the time, not her mother. Laurel nods, and speaking for the first time since the death of her mother, says, "But she always gave me candy," and holds out one of the red hard candies found in the mouths of all the victims.

Andrews realizes that the force behind the murders is Ellie, and races to Beth to make sure she's alright. Finding Beth unharmed, Andrews is then killed by Ellie with a knife through the eye, as dictated by the last call received. Ellie then reaches out to strangle Beth when the spirit of Marie appears and grabs the spirit of Ellie. After apparently ripping Ellie's ghost out of the phone and consuming it, Marie's ghost vanishes, leaving Beth to stare bewildered into the distance. Then the phone begins to dial a number and the scene ends with the phone ringing.


2 movie fans:

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2008 at 10:08 AM  
Anonymous said...


December 9, 2010 at 12:52 PM  

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