Box office
In terms of box office, Hostel: Part II did not perform as well as the first film, but still turned a profit due to its low production cost. The film opened in 6th place in the US and in 3rd place in the UK and took in an estimated $8,203,391 its opening weekend. The film cost $10.2 million to produce. With foreign box office the film earned $35,606,943 dollars, triple its production cost.
Critical reception
Critical reaction to Hostel: Part II, like the first film, were either raves or critical pans, with Metareviews site Rotten Tomatoes showed a 44% overall (rotten) rating, with the "Cream of the Crop" scoring it at a 47% overall. "Hostel Part II" earned six Spike TV Scream Award nominations, including Best Horror Film and Best Director, the most nominations of any horror film that year.
In terms of box office, Hostel: Part II did not perform as well as the first film, but still turned a profit due to its low production cost. The film opened in 6th place in the US and in 3rd place in the UK and took in an estimated $8,203,391 its opening weekend. The film cost $10.2 million to produce. With foreign box office the film earned $35,606,943 dollars, triple its production cost.
Critical reception
Critical reaction to Hostel: Part II, like the first film, were either raves or critical pans, with Metareviews site Rotten Tomatoes showed a 44% overall (rotten) rating, with the "Cream of the Crop" scoring it at a 47% overall. "Hostel Part II" earned six Spike TV Scream Award nominations, including Best Horror Film and Best Director, the most nominations of any horror film that year.
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