The film was announced on May 15, 2006, when MGA Entertainment, Avi Arad Productions, and Crystal Sky Pictures teamed up. Under the deal, Crystal Sky Pictures will finance the film, Avi Arad and MGA will executive produce. John Doolittle and Susie Singer Carter penned the screenplay.
The shooting of the film was completed on March 24, 2007, and was released to theatres for its first-run showing on Friday, August 3, 2007.
Paula Abdul was dropped from the production before the completion of the film due to unknown reasons. She was originally enlisted to provide wardrobe designs, choreograph the film, executive produce, as well as hold a role in the film. This was revealed on Hey Paula, her own reality show on her personal life. It has been speculated her erratic behavior may have been a reason behind her involvement in the film being cut.
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